(teaching staff rotated in these sections in all levels)
- Demonstration Rooms : 4
- Accommodation (of each demonstration room)
- Size – 6 x 6.2 = 37.2 m2, 6.2 x 12.5 = 77.5 m2, 6 x 12.5 = 75 m2, 12 x 6 = 72 m2
- Sitting capacity – 75 each
- Audio-visual equipment – available
- Departmental Library-cum-Seminar Room – available
- Separate departmental library: available
- Size: 5.5 x 5.9 = 32.45 m2
- Capacity: 20
- Number of books in Anatomy and allied subjects: 539
- List of Journals: Available from Central Library
Dissection Hall :
Accommodation :
- Size: (12.5 x 33.5) m2 = 418.75m2
- Capacity: 200 students
- Number and arrangement of tables
- Big: 25 tables in two rows
- Small: 250 nos.
- Hygiene and drainage facilities for disposal of discarded parts – available
- Washing arrangement -available. No. of wash basins provided- 07
- No. of lockers provided for students – 150
- Light and exhaust arrangements – Adequate
- Special Instruments other than routine Dissection sets, such as Electric saw, Meat cutting saw etc. – available
- Extra Learning Aids provided in the Dissection Hall like Skeleton, Charts, Black Board etc.) – available
Cadaver Preservation Facilities
- Embalming room – Size: 12 x 6m2 located adjacent to dissection hall
- Storage Tanks: 12, Size – 6’x 3’ x 3’ each
- Cold room/cooling cabinets – 3 mortuary coolers in the embalming room
- Size: 2’ x 4’ x 6’ each with a capacity of two bodies each
- No. of Cadavers available – 6
- No. of students allotted per cadaver – 28
Histology Laboratory
- Size: 12 x18 m2 = 216 m2, Capacity – 40
- Working arrangement-
- Seats available – 2 long tables with revolving stools
- Cupboard for storage of microscope slides: Available
- Number of Microscopes with 1/3, 1/6, & 1/12 objectives: 230
- (Mono-occular-224, binocular-3, Pentahead-3)
- Number of students to each Microscope: One
- Preparation room
- Size: 6 x12 m2 = 72 m2, located adjacent histology room
- Laboratory Manuals – kept by students
- Close circuit TV/Demonstration Microscope/any other teaching aids :
- LCD/OHP-Slide projectors and Charts – available
Research Laboratory – One
- Size – 6 x12 = 72 m2
- Equipment: Microtome, Microscope , dehydration & staining equipments & associated instruments are available
- Students taken for Post Graduation – Yes
- Undergraduate students’ participation in research work – Under ICMR short term project
- Size: (12 x12) m2 =144 m2
- Specimens arranged region wise covering various fields in Anatomy
- (140 Anatomy specimens in the Museum & 18 Embryology specimens in the model –cum- Anthropology Museum)
- Catalogues of the specimens are available to the students
- Gross Anatomy – adequate
- Display of microscopic sections of developing tissues system wise are available
- Microscopic sections of the specimens are available for study to the students
- Microscope & X-ray views boxes available to students in the Museum
- (One binocular microscope, Four X- ray view box)
- Bone, models, charts etc (Anthropology) – available
- Radiological & specialized imaging exhibits – available
- Number: 100
- Type: Plain X-Ray, CT &M.RI plates
- Charts, Skeletons: available
- Seating arrangement for students Number : 30
- Preparation, storage rooms, X-Ray room and dark room: available
Office accommodation
- Professor and HOD – 1 room,
- Associate Professors/Readers: 4 rooms
- Asst. Professors/Lecturers – 3 rooms, Tutors/Demonstrators – 1 room
- Non-teaching and clerical staff : Office room,
- Technician room,
- Artist cum modeller room
- Curriculum of studies: as prescribed by MCI
- Methodology
- Duration of the entire course: One year
- Didactics Lectures: Embryology- 50, Histology – 50,General Anatomy – 20,
- Genetics- 10, CNS – 20, Cranial nerves – 20, Special.Senses – 20 = Total 190 Classes
- Demonstrations: 40 hrs for each batch of 28 students
- Tutorials: 40 hrs for each batch of 28 students
- Seminars conducted during the year – 6 Seminars for each batch
- Number of students attending each – 28 students
- Practical- Dissection – 300 hrs, Histology – 50 hrs
- Inter departmental Symposium and seminars are arranged
- Integrated teaching done among three Pre-clinical Departments
Methods of Assessment:
- 6 PCT on practical and Theory
- Semester ending Examinations (Theory and Practical)
- University examinations – 2 Theory papers 50 mark each,
- Oral –20marks, Practical –40marks,
- Internal assessments – 40 marks calculated from 6 PCT & 2 Semester ending examinations
- (20 mark each both theory and practical), Total – 200 marks
List of publications by the members of the staff during the last 3 years:
0th NATCON – ASI, 2012 | Histological study of Adrenal gland in case of suicidal deaths
S.Patra, S.Rath, B.K.Dutta, Mishra. G, Sahu R.K., Panda R.L., Prusti J.S. |
60th NATCON – ASI, 2012 | Sirenomelia : A rare case report
B.N.Roul, S.Rath, B.K.Dutta, J.S.Prusti |
60th NATCON – ASI, 2012 | Bilateral variation in the branching pattern of axillary artery
Patro S, Rath S, Mishra G, Sahu R.K., Panda R, Prusti S, Baa J., Patro S., Kumari B.S. |
60th NATCON – ASI, 2012 | A sign of Evolution : Absent Palmaris Longus
Baa J., Rath S., Naik M., Patra M., Mahapatra C., Sarangi C.L. |
61st NATCON – ASI, 2013 | Comparative study on Cephalic index of mentally retarded children with normal children in southern Odish
Patro S., Rath S., Rath B., Sahu R.K. |
61st NATCON – ASI, 2013 | Tale of a missing tunnel – Congenital absence of carotid canal: a rare case report
Baa J., Rath S., Prusti J.S. |
61st NATCON – ASI, 2013 | Corelation between Annulo-Papillary distance and the Coronary Sulcus circumference
Patnaik M., Maharana P.C., Sahu R.K. |
61st NATCON – ASI, 2013 | A study of Neural tube defect spectrum – Iniencephaly, a case report
B.Shanta, Rath S., Panda R.L. |
(IOSR – JDMS) (2014) – Vol-13, PP 01-04 | Neural Tube Defect: Epidemiologic and Demographic Implication
Dr. B.Shanta Kumari, Dr. Rajalaxmi Panda, Dr. Sadananda Rath |
(IOSR – JDMS) (2014) – Vol-13 | Study of cephalic index in southern Odisha population
Dr. Sunita Patro, Dr. RamaKristna Sahu, Dr. Sadananda Rath |
Current problems on which research work is going on –
- Effect of a food additive (Mentha piperita) on fertility in Wistar Albino rats – A Histo – morphological study- Dr. A. Soy, Prof. S. Rath
- Barr body study: A diagnostic tool – Dr. J.S. Prusti
- Femoral Tortion in cadaveric study – Dr. R. K. Sahu